Commencement Ceremony at the Faculty of Engineering: We congratulate Vincent Dötschel and Jakob Seibert

Collage showing Vincent Dötschel and Jakob Seibert presenting their bachelor certificates together with a snapshot of the slide announcing Vincent Dötschel as awardee of the VDI prize
Photos: Vincent Dötschel

We are happy to announce Vincent Dötschel and Jakob Seibert as new graduates of the FAU: Both received their Bachelor certificates during the commencement ceremony at the Faculty of Engineering for their theses “Untersuchung des Materialverhaltens von Poly(2-Vinylpyridin) mithilfe molekulardynamischer Simulationen” (Vincent Dötschel) and “Investigation of the Influence of Nano-Sized Particles on the Entanglement Distribution of Generic Polymer Nanocomposite Using Molecular Dynamics” (Jakob Seibert). Both theses have been supervised by our group member Maximilian Ries.

Furthermore, we congratulate Vincent Dötschel for receiving the bachelor prize of the VDI (Verein Deutscher Ingenieure / Association of German Engineers)!

PD Dr.-Ing. habil. Sebastian Pfaller (Akad. ORat)